Monday, April 30, 2012


 (just an FYI, this post might be long and seem cramped because my enter key is not working as of now!) so my wedding is 18 days away! How exciting is that?!  On April 23rd, Jeremy and I celebrated our 6 year anniversary. It's hard to believe that we have actually been together that long, but I am so thankful for all that time to get to know him and us grow together before we make this big change in our life! I couldn't imagine doing it with anyone else though :)     I must confess, I have been in such a weird mood the past two weeks. I don't know what my deal was...I have so much to be excited for but the only thing I could do was be in a bad mood! The feeling was awful! I felt so selfish but couldn't snap out of it! Finally I made myself sit down and think what could be causing it. I mean, anyone could really answer that question of what caused it....stress. But why am I stressed? I mean (knock on wood) everything for my wedding is pretty much ready to go, the honeymoon is booked, and I have been having amazing showers and gatherings with friends and family. But the more I thought about it, it was more than that. It was the small tiny details that were bothering me. I'm not just talking about the small details about my wedding day, but the small, insignificant details about the whole process. For instance, I can't believe how much society has changed and lost some manners. Is it really a polite thing to ask about invitations to the wedding? Is it really polite to want to know who all is going? I mean, it's our wedding. We already had a hard enough time trying to narrow down the list to 200. If we had our way and an unlimited amount of money, we would surely invite everyone! But we can't. And I just wish people understood that. But they dont, because it's all about them. They want to know why they weren't invited. So I had a lot of built up stress about already feeling guilty about having to chose then people making it worse. I am sorry. I am not trying to offend anyone. It's just what we had to do. So I told myself to let it go, that there was no point in worrying about it and that the people that would be there would make that day very special to us and thats all that matters! So believe it or not, after explaining that to a few people and letting it go, I've felt a lot of weight being lifted from my shoulders!    Ok so enough of that rant! I am super pumped about the big day! It's going to be perfect no matter what! I am also very excited about the honeymoon as well! Any chance to get out of town and just relax, I'm in!     I had my bachelorette party this past weekend in DC with my friends and it was amazing! We got to spend a whole day shopping then ate at this wonderful tapa's bar, Cava Mezze in Arlington! It was so good to spend some time away from home with some of my closest friends! Note to self: if you plan on going to a club, make sure your license is NOT expired... fail. But at least the bar let me drink so all in all it was a good time :)   alright well thats all for now, until next time! xoxo

1 comment:

  1. It is totally normal to be stressed and in a weird mood. Wedding stress is like no other, and even though it's one of the happiest times in your life, it's one of the most stressful. Forget those who have put stress on you about being invited. They aren't' taking your true feelings into consideration. Those who love you and support you will be there on your big day and that's all that matters. TWO WEEKS!!!
